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Wednesday 14 November 2012

'Is it okay to be left handed?' - Beyond Blue's message

Watch this recent viral clip from Beyond Blue and be moved by the message:

This is the message from the Beyond Blue site about the campaign:

"beyondblue, in collaboration with GLBTI communities and the Movember Foundation, has produced a new national campaign. The campaign aims to improve the communities understanding of discriminatory behaviour and the impact of discrimination on the mental health of GLBTI communities.

The campaign works predominantly with mainstream Australia, and with young people in particular, to improve people's understanding of discriminatory behaviour and the impact that this has. The campaign is designed to prompt people to STOP the discrimination, THINK about how comments you make could cause real distress and harm, and RESPECT people who are different from you."

To get involved and have your say about this campaign visit beyondblue's Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beyond-Blue/114265858590181], or send a tweet using #lefthand"

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